Monday, September 2, 2013

Virgo New Moon, 9/5/13

Virgo New Moon on September 5th at 6:38 am CDT / 11:38 am GMT

If I am only happy for myself, many fewer chances for happiness.
If I am happy when good things happen to other people, billions
more chances to be happy!”

~Dalai Lama~ 

 Virgo’s theme is service.  With Moon, Sun and Ascendent in Earthy Virgo, you may feel the pull to be of help to others, perhaps behind the scenes.  You could donate to a charity, volunteer to help the homeless, serve as a mentor to children who need guidance or work puzzles with the elderly. 

     How can you help make the world a better place?  Just be the best you that you can be.  Smile at everyone you meet.  You never know how much your smile means to those who see it on your face and resonate with your upbeat appearance.  Do a favor for a stranger, even if it's as simple as holding a door open for them.  The good feeling multiplies, so keep it going.  Find innovative ways to do good things for others without expecting anything in return.

     After all of this, nurture yourself so you still have something left to give.  Meditate, exercise, prepare a healthy meal with your favorite dish, have a belly laugh with a friend while you eat that meal.  You could just go out for a great meal at your favorite place and enjoy a belly laugh (with a friend of course, you don't want to look weird sitting at a table by yourself laughing!)

     This is the week that children in the US return to school.  Summer vacation is over.  The weather is still warm, but students must now turn their attention to learning and remembering what they studied the previous school year.  It's exciting, brand new notebooks, no papers have been written or graded, the teachers are new, classmates may spark renewed or new friendships.  Enjoy if this is your first year of college. It's just the start to an adventure of adult learning that can last your entire lifetime!

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