Tuesday, August 14, 2012

You can make a choice between Love and Fear

We come together at various times or are drawn together by tragedy, whether it is man made or by nature, and overcome the direst of circumstances.  We humans are resilient and ever so strong.  We can and do many great things together.  Why should we be torn apart and away from the one thing that all of us want more than anything else – LOVE?

Is it fear in our hearts?  Is that the one thing that has been secretly growing and festering while we sleep, or while we are on auto-pilot, watching TV? 

FEAR – just another four letter word that is at the root of so many problems in our world.  It is at the root of hate, evil, division, envy, guilt…you get the idea.

My husband and I watched the move The Matrix recently for the first time.  I know it’s an old movie, but we’ve never seen it and we have tired of the Olympics after nine straight days of it.  It amazes me how you can be fully engulfed in the story in your own home, and be drawn into the maze of fear in a story.  Here was the main character, Neo, about to be flattened by an oncoming subway, but I believed in his story by now and knew that he would survive.  I had it in my head that he would “get the bad guy” and live on! 

Yet another fear driven concept came home to me in a movie in which Justin Timberlake stars in a world where people earn time instead of money for their labor.  The movie is called, “In Time.”  People are programmed to stop aging when they turn 25 years old, and they then have a year left to live.  At that point they must begin earning time, or die.

The movie shows how the lower class is kept struggling to keep afloat with the time prices increasing so that they can barely keep afloat, and with time bandits robbing others of the precious minutes and hours that they do have left.  All they need to do is raise the sleeve of another to see how much time is left in your bank and they can remove it from you and place it in their own supply.

Those rich in time live in a world segregated from the time poor.  Justin’s character infiltrates the rich world to become a sort of Robin Hood.

The movie showed me in parallel how this relates to our money supply.  It brought home the fear and how we are managed by fear of falling short in all kinds of ways.

I was in FEAR as I watched time tick away on people, and saw them die as the last seconds counted down.  Can you imagine what would happen if we would die if our bank was emptied of all money?  I have had some close calls…

If I had a super power I would want it to be the ability to bestow love at will.  I would cause anger, jealousy, envy, greed and hate to disappear into thin air and replace it with LOVE!