Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today marks the second time Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries reach an exact square.  This is where rebellion meets establishment.

OWS (Occupy Wall Street) started a year ago and arrests are ongoing.  I read an article at Truth-Out about this week's protests on Wall Street by OWS.  I was struck by the fact that the keepers of the peace were arresting people randomly with the apparent criteria being how well they were dressed and whether or not they belonged to a minority race.

How familiar this rebellion seems to me, having grown up in the '60s and '70s and witnessed the race riots on TV.  Who can forget the DNC (Democratic National Convention) in Chicago in 1968?  Here's another clip that is linked to a 55 minute film covering the progression of riots to Chicago in 1968, that were termed "police riots."  As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "A riot is the language of the unheard."

Pluto was conjunct Uranus from 1965-66.  Riots began shortly before this time period and continued after.  Here's a link to a timeline of the race riots in the 1960s.

In August of 1965 the Watts riots broke out in Los Angeles, which resulted in 34 dead and over 1,000 injured.

Today Mars and the Moon are in Scorpio.  Will this bring aggression to a new level that we haven't seen since the '60s?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Revolution anyone?

The Moon will enter intense Scorpio this morning at 9:46 am Central time.  Scorpio is a Water sign and can be very secretive.  The Moon is currently conjunct Saturn, which can result in restricted or withheld emotions.

Are you planning a secret rendezvous today?

Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries energy (rebellion against structure) is evident in the recent protests in Spain.  Reports are that 1.5 million people were involved in this protest for independence.  The headline in TimeWorld on September 11th was “Barcelona Warns Madrid:  Pay Up or Catalonia Leaves Spain.”

Catalonia is the wealthiest region in Spain, but is also in debt with an 8% fiscal deficit.  Catalonians requested a bailout of 5 billion euros from the central Spanish government and was turned down.  In 2009, Catalonians supplied 19.49% of the tax revenue and received 14.03% in spending.  Catalonians feel that this spending gap is responsible for their deficit.

In other parts of the world there is a fight between Japan and China over islands, which just so happens to be on the 81st anniversary of the Japanese invasion of China (September 18, 1931.)

Over 130 Mexican prisoners escaped from a jail that is near the US boarder.  The inmates managed to escape through a tunnel that was dug from a carpentry workshop at the prison.

Mitt Romney struck out against the nation’s poor, claiming that they believe they are “entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”  Romney said at a press conference that Obama’s policies are “attractive to people who do not pay taxes.” 

In response to this, I can only say that those who pay no taxes obviously spend no money, as we are taxed every time we spend.

I will be so glad when the elections are over!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Revolutionary changes in the air today

The Moon moved into airy, relationship-focused Libra on Sunday morning and will stay in Libra until Tuesday morning.  This is a great time to take a look at your close relationships, evaluate what is working and what isn’t.  Perhaps you need to have a talk with your partner to smooth out the rough edges.

You can still work on your New Moon in Virgo intentions until this evening.  A Virgo moon is the ideal time to begin a diet, join a health club or break old habits.

On Tuesday, September 18, Pluto will station direct, having completed its retrograde motion for the year.  A planet’s energy is very powerful at the time it goes direct, especially Pluto, the planet of transformation.  Pluto is very slow-moving, taking as much as 32 years to as little as 11 years to complete its transit through one sign.  Pluto’s current transit through the Earth sign of Capricorn will last until the year 2023.

On Wednesday, 9/19/12, Pluto and Uranus will reach the second of seven exact squares.

Pluto is square to Uranus, and will be exactly square seven times, the first occurring on June 24, 2012 and the second occurring on September 19th.  This is rebellion (Uranus in Aries) against societal structure (Pluto in Capricorn) at work! 

Looking back in time, when Pluto and Uranus were in aspect to each other, we find that these planets were conjunct from 1965-1966 (Cold War, race riots, student demonstrations, hippies, Vietnam conflict), were square to each other in the 1930-34 (FDR’s New Deal, Hitler’s rise to power, the Dust Bowl and the ongoing Great Depression.)  They were also conjunct at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, 1850-51 (European social revolution, Underground Railroad, Taiping Rebellion in China, and the potato famine in Ireland.)

What will the Pluto / Uranus square bring to us?  Many of the changes will not be altogether evident to us until some time has passed.  One thing is for sure, we're in for some profound structure changes.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

You can make a choice between Love and Fear

We come together at various times or are drawn together by tragedy, whether it is man made or by nature, and overcome the direst of circumstances.  We humans are resilient and ever so strong.  We can and do many great things together.  Why should we be torn apart and away from the one thing that all of us want more than anything else – LOVE?

Is it fear in our hearts?  Is that the one thing that has been secretly growing and festering while we sleep, or while we are on auto-pilot, watching TV? 

FEAR – just another four letter word that is at the root of so many problems in our world.  It is at the root of hate, evil, division, envy, guilt…you get the idea.

My husband and I watched the move The Matrix recently for the first time.  I know it’s an old movie, but we’ve never seen it and we have tired of the Olympics after nine straight days of it.  It amazes me how you can be fully engulfed in the story in your own home, and be drawn into the maze of fear in a story.  Here was the main character, Neo, about to be flattened by an oncoming subway, but I believed in his story by now and knew that he would survive.  I had it in my head that he would “get the bad guy” and live on! 

Yet another fear driven concept came home to me in a movie in which Justin Timberlake stars in a world where people earn time instead of money for their labor.  The movie is called, “In Time.”  People are programmed to stop aging when they turn 25 years old, and they then have a year left to live.  At that point they must begin earning time, or die.

The movie shows how the lower class is kept struggling to keep afloat with the time prices increasing so that they can barely keep afloat, and with time bandits robbing others of the precious minutes and hours that they do have left.  All they need to do is raise the sleeve of another to see how much time is left in your bank and they can remove it from you and place it in their own supply.

Those rich in time live in a world segregated from the time poor.  Justin’s character infiltrates the rich world to become a sort of Robin Hood.

The movie showed me in parallel how this relates to our money supply.  It brought home the fear and how we are managed by fear of falling short in all kinds of ways.

I was in FEAR as I watched time tick away on people, and saw them die as the last seconds counted down.  Can you imagine what would happen if we would die if our bank was emptied of all money?  I have had some close calls…

If I had a super power I would want it to be the ability to bestow love at will.  I would cause anger, jealousy, envy, greed and hate to disappear into thin air and replace it with LOVE!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Sunday mornings are my favorite.  I get up and read Post Secret ( to see the many secrets from around the world.  I love how people are willing to share their intimate feelings with strangers.  Isn’t it tragic in a way that it’s easier to share with strangers than it is to share with our closest friends, husband, wife, brother, sister, mother or father?

I suspect that we’re all afraid of being judged for who we are.  That says a lot about our society, unfortunately.

I read a post today on Facebook by a woman I admire.  She is a psychiatrist who works with people who hoard.  She does this on TV for the world to see.  She is very good at it, and I think the primary reason she’s good at it is because she doesn’t sugar coat the truth.  She gets right down to the bare bones of the issue and challenges the people involved to face up to their truth.

Can you remember the last time you were called out to confront your dark side?  I can think of a few times I’ve faced the beast and looked the other way, fearing what I might find if I looked straight her in the eye.

It’s all fear.  I learned that many years ago.  Face your fears and watch them fade away.  Of course, that’s easy to say and harder to do in reality. 

I have a fear of jumping out of planes.  I don’t know that I would ever be able to do that.  My brother has a fear of heights, but he faced that fear because of his career.  He was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne and went on to become a jumpmaster, an expert paratrooper who trains others.  He suffered injuries to his ankle and spine as a result of his jumps, but he faced his fears.  I respect him for that.

Today I am going to think about the people in my life that I admire.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Full Moon in Cancer, January 9, 2012

The full Moon in Cancer and Sun in Capricorn of January 9th shows to me the potential for a nurturing journey of the mind, at least here in Madison, Wisconsin, where the Moon will be in the 9th house of travel.  What does a nurturing journey of the mind look like?  The simplest answer I can give you is:  meditation.  See below for a meditation that I channeled a week ago when I first wrote this piece.

The sign of Cancer represents feelings and nurturing.  Cancer is a feminine water sign.  It is the first of the Water signs and is a sign of intuition and empathy.  Cancer says, “I understand how you feel, come over to my house and enjoy some cookies I just baked.”

The moon in Cancer opposes the Capricorn Sun.  Capricorn is an Earth sign, the 10th house in the natural chart.  It is a serious, driving energy.  Capricorn says, “Get off your ass and start doing whatever “it” is to you.”

After the stress of the holidays it is important to take the time to nurture yourself.  Spend time taking care of yourself.  Pamper yourself in some way over the next week.  Get a massage, manicure or a makeover.  Relax with friends over dinner.  These are all nurturing activities in the spirit of the sign of Cancer.  We could all use nurturing after the rush and frenzy of the holiday season.

Please enjoy the following short meditation that I channeled.  You can tape the words with musical background to play it back to yourself.

Visualize yourself in a meadow beside a stream.  See the trees, smell the grass and the flowers.  Feel the breeze as it grazes your cheeks and plays with your hair.  Go gently within and feel yourself wandering in your mind like a child.  See the field of flowers that bloom endlessly in your mind.  Your favorite flowers are always there.  You pick one and hold it up to your nose to smell it.  It is perfectly formed and smells perfect, just as you knew it would.

You move on then to follow a path alongside the stream.  You allow yourself to follow the path, well worn by others who have followed this path for many years.  The earth below you has been hardened by the many that have walked this path before you.  You bend over now and take off your shoes, wanting to feel the earth below your feet.  The coolness of the earth feels good.  It refreshes your skin and makes you feel comforted in a wholesome sort of way.

You come to a tree that is ancient.  It has large branches and many leaves.  It is very inviting and friendly.  You decide to sit down at its base and relax.  There is shade beneath its base and a cool, gentle breeze.  You feel refreshed and at ease here.  You are resting at the top of a small hill under this tree.  You did not realize on your walk that you had climbed up this hill until you got here.  Looking back you see the beauty down in the valley.  It is gorgeous, like a painting. 

You love your life.  You are feeling so lucky to have been born into this world and to have experienced this moment.  It nourishes your soul to have this peaceful moment and to take in this beauty.

After a few minutes you return home on the journey of life.  When you are ready to return to the world again, slowly open your eyes.