Sunday, April 22, 2012


Sunday mornings are my favorite.  I get up and read Post Secret ( to see the many secrets from around the world.  I love how people are willing to share their intimate feelings with strangers.  Isn’t it tragic in a way that it’s easier to share with strangers than it is to share with our closest friends, husband, wife, brother, sister, mother or father?

I suspect that we’re all afraid of being judged for who we are.  That says a lot about our society, unfortunately.

I read a post today on Facebook by a woman I admire.  She is a psychiatrist who works with people who hoard.  She does this on TV for the world to see.  She is very good at it, and I think the primary reason she’s good at it is because she doesn’t sugar coat the truth.  She gets right down to the bare bones of the issue and challenges the people involved to face up to their truth.

Can you remember the last time you were called out to confront your dark side?  I can think of a few times I’ve faced the beast and looked the other way, fearing what I might find if I looked straight her in the eye.

It’s all fear.  I learned that many years ago.  Face your fears and watch them fade away.  Of course, that’s easy to say and harder to do in reality. 

I have a fear of jumping out of planes.  I don’t know that I would ever be able to do that.  My brother has a fear of heights, but he faced that fear because of his career.  He was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne and went on to become a jumpmaster, an expert paratrooper who trains others.  He suffered injuries to his ankle and spine as a result of his jumps, but he faced his fears.  I respect him for that.

Today I am going to think about the people in my life that I admire.


  1. I admire you for your unconditional love and acceptance.

  2. Great post! Keep 'em coming! No fears!
