Thursday, October 17, 2013

Aries Full Moon

 Friday October 18, 2013
6:38 pm CDT; 11:38 pm GMT

The Moon is in the me-me-me sign of Aries at this Full Moon with a Lunar eclipse.

Libran energy is concerned with finding balance in all things, while the Aries energy is driven to initiate and lead.  Add a challenge from Cancer, which is security-driven and you are heading down a path of…change, which is exciting, and yet takes into consideration the security needed to feel that you are on the right path.

Have faith that your journey is the right one for you.   

Whenever you are in doubt, make the choices that are in line with your goals.  Let your internal compass (your body) be your guide.  Verbalize your choices – say each one out loud and pay attention to how your body reacts to the words. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Libra New Moon

Saturday October 5, 2013 at 12:35 am GMT
Friday October 4, 2013 at 7:35 pm CDT

With the Moon and Sun both in Libra, we see an accentuation on all things related to Libra:  relationships, fairness and equity, balance, indecisiveness.

Are you feeling the urge to make changes in your life?  Or have there been sudden unexpected choices that left you feeling confused? 

The New Moon in Libra is amplifying the energy of sudden transformation.  Even though changes may seem terrifying at times, it is good to take a step back, let it sink in and think about what the possible outcomes could be. 

Every choice you make today creates your tomorrow. 
Changes may seem threatening to your stability, altering your life in ways that you are not comfortable with.  Go with the flow until you feel it sink in and become part of you.  In time you will look back and understand why.

The Pluto-Uranus square is still in effect and will last into 2015.  Revolutionary changes that began back in 1965-1966 are being re-visited today.  Let us hope for a better world for our children and society at large.  Libran energy is concerned with fairness and balance.