Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Astrology 101 continued from last posting...


There are three modalities or qualities, and with 12 signs, there are four signs in each modality.  The modalities are Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable.

Cardinal signs are interested in action.  Fixed signs are interested in beliefs and ideals.  Mutable signs are interested in connections/relationships and people.


The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.  Cardinal signs are initiators of action.  They are also assertive; the ones who make things happen.  The keyword for Cardinal is “creativity.”  In essence, Cardinal signs start a process in motion in order to create what they want. 

The Cardinal signs also mark the beginning of the Seasons:  Aries marks the beginning of the astrological calendar and the onset of Spring; Cancer is the start of the warmer weather of Summer; Libra brings the Fall with the beautiful colors in the trees, and Capricorn brings the cold of Winter.

Cardinal signs display their assertion in differing ways.  Aries is a straightforward outpouring of energy.  Cancer is a subtle assertion of emotion.  Libra is an assertion on the mental level, with fairness and lack of prejudice.  Capricorn’s assertion is directed at social standing, with a desire to be the best.


The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.  These signs seek to maintain and preserve the status quo.  The keyword for Fixed signs is “Will.” They are determined to sustain what is so, and are not easily changed, hence the fixed quality. 

Fixed signs will not easily bend to the will of others, unless it is something they want to do.  Fixed signs are the most elusive as their motivations are most often not obvious.  These are the power signs.  In Taurus, the power is suppressed, but ever ready.  In Leo, the power is always on the surface and easily expressed.  Scorpio’s power is below the surface and illusive. Aquarius expresses grounded power.


The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.  These signs are adaptable and flexible to change.  They see what already exists and modify/redesign it.  The keyword for Mutable signs is “Flexibility.”

Mutable signs must exercise caution against being too scattered.  They are often pursuing one deadline after another, always going on to the next thing, and the next thing.  They can easily find themselves spread too thin, or involved in more than they can easily handle.

You might imagine this as a Gemini reading several books at a time; a Virgo over-committed to numerous volunteer projects; Sagittarians continually pursuing knowledge and Pisces taking on everyone’s feelings.


The signs are divided into four additional groups (elements):  Fire, Earth, Air and Water.  There are three planets in each element.

Fire and Air signs are positive and motivational - masculine; Water and Earth signs are passive and receptive - feminine.


The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.  The keyword for the Fire signs is “Inspiration.” 

Aries is the Fire of personality (emotions and impulse.)  Leo is the Fire of the heart or affections.  Sagittarius is the Fire of wisdom.


The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.  The keyword of the Air signs is “Aspiration.”  Air signs are concerned with intellect and intuition.

Gemini represents the intellect; the gathering and dispersing of knowledge.  Libra is judgment, often acquired through experience and hard times.  Aquarius represents intuition.


The keyword for the Water signs is emotion. The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.  Each of them is emotionally charged.

Cancer is a nurturing sign, associated with mother and family.  Scorpio represents passionate emotions, often associated with intimacy.  Pisces is sympathetic with tender emotions.


The Earth signs are concerned with the physical or material.  The keyword for Earth signs is “Practicality.”

Taurus is patient and a builder of security.  Virgo has patience for details, and is very analytical.  Capricorn is concerned with responsibility, and has patience for the rewards of achievement.

On the Horizon

Gemini New Moon – 8 June 2013 @ 3:58 p.m. GMT, 10:58 a.m. CDT

This New Moon is packed with the energy of Gemini – and from the previous discussion, you will note that Gemini is a Mutable Air sign.  Mars, Sun, Moon and Jupiter will all be in Gemini.

You may have extra energy to brainstorm on a new project, or at least iron out some details.

How about discussing a plan to remodel your home with a contractor?  Or would you rather gather with friends for a philosophical debate? 

The New Moon is the perfect time to set intentions for the month ahead. 

Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice takes place on 21 June 2013.  This marks the advent of the Sun into the sign of Cancer, a Cardinal Water sign.  After this, the longest day of the year, the period of daylight will shorten each day until the Winter Solstice in December.

Capricorn Full Moon – 23 June 2013,11:33 a.m. GMT, 6:33 a.m. CDT

Capricorn is ambitious, and with the Sun in the emotional sign of Cancer, might I suggest an extended family reunion?  Late June is a great time to gather your relatives and catch up with each other.   

You might also consider an all day picnic by the water, or perhaps a camping trip to somewhere new.

Be aware of your feelings, as well as the feelings of others, as there is a lot of emotional energy during this Full Moon with five planets in Water signs.

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