If you’ve been wondering if your astrology sign has changed, wonder no more – it hasn’t!
The news circulating that astrologers are off by one sign because they haven’t kept up with the change in the position of the constellations is a failure by one astronomer to understand astrology.
Parke Kunkle, astronomer, claims that astrologers have failed to keep up with the position of the constellations and thus astrology is bogus and your sign is wrong.
Astrologers are in tune with the Equinox and the Solstice and the progression of the planets. For astrologers today, it is about the movement of the planets and the timing of the seasons.
Please see Astrologer Rob Breszny’s website at www.freewillastrology.com for a more detailed explanation.
Contact me via email at GuidedByIntuition@gmail.com or marsha.massino@gmail.com if you are interested in obtaining your natal chart or a natal chart interpretation.
A one hour intuitive astrology reading with me is a bargain at $125, payable via PayPal to my account at marsha.massino@gmail.com.
You will receive a copy of your chart and an analysis of the planets and their personal meaning to you, written by me. We will then get together to discuss the reading, either in person, over the phone or Skype. You may tape the reading.
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