Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Intuitive Quest

I’ve been on an intuitive quest for quite some time now.  I read a book by Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz called, Awakening Intuition, in the late 1990s.  I was fascinated by her story and curious about intuition.  I have had passing sparks of intuition throughout my life.  It came to me when I least expected it, and at times I wanted it to go away.  I brushed it off like an unwelcome spider in my home.  I didn’t want the guidance offered.  I simply wanted to exist and not know what was in store for me, or for others.

Years passed and still no answers were found.  I put it away and laid it to rest in the back of my mind.  I sometimes listened in the corners of my mind to the intuitive messages I got…things like take your umbrella today because you’re going to need it, despite what the weatherman said, or you’d better take that reference tool with you to the meeting, or prepare yourself with these facts, etc.  I cannot tell you how many times I did an analysis prior to my boss needing it, or how many times I brought up factors to be considered when no one else was on to them, and yet they came to fruition. 

Then I changed.  I found that I was not as fearful as before.  I welcomed this gift of intuition.  I embraced the gift and yet when it came to me I still winced in fear of what it would bring to me.  Why was I in fear?  Was it the unknown?  Was it fear of being wrong?  Was it something I carried over from a past life?  All of these questions swirled around in my head and no answers came to me.

I’m pursuing the development of my intuition these days and it has grown so much.  It doesn’t scare me now like it did before.  I welcome it.  I have been working intensely under the guidance of Sonia Choquette.  I will attend level 3 of her Six Sensory™ certification program next weekend, December 2nd – December 5th.  

Along the way to developing my intuition something else has happened.  I have discovered precious friendships along the way.  I found other souls whose higher selves have lead them along the same path as mine!  It is such a delight to share in this journey with them.  I look forward to meeting with them and hearing about their achievements.

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