Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why you might consider a chart reading from an astrologer

 Reading your daily horoscope in the newspaper is like reading the cover of a book to me.  And, how can it relate to every person of the same sign?  I’ve always wondered about that, and struggled when reading horoscopes myself.  It is for that reason that I have chosen not to do them.  That, and it’s a lot of work!

In a personalized chart reading from a skilled, intuitive astrologer your personal blueprint is read.  You came into this world uniquely you.  There is no one else like you and no one else has a chart exactly like yours.  Sure, there are other people who were born on the same day, but their chart is slightly different because of the place or time they were born.  They are not you.  The differences show in your chart patterns, in the chart interpretation and it shows up in how you function differently in life from others – personality, ego, likes and dislikes, etc.

I get a feeling from looking at your chart patterns, and the symbols seem to come to life. When I do a chart reading I look at each planet, what sign it is in, what house it is in, and how it functions in your chart. 

I first discovered astrology through my fascination with psychology as a teenager.  I studied Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, and then his student Carl Jung, who was an astrologer.  Here is a quote from Jung:

“Our modern science begins with astronomy. Instead of saying that man was led by psychological motives, they formerly said he was led by his stars. ... The puzzling thing is that there is really a curious coincidence between astrological and psychological facts, so that one can isolate time from the characteristics of an individual, and also, one can deduce characteristics from a certain time. Therefore we have to conclude that what we call psychological motives are in a way identical with star positions. Since we cannot demonstrate this, we must form a peculiar hypothesis. This hypothesis says that the dynamics of our psyche is not just identical with the position of the stars, nor has it to do with vibrations - that is an illegitimate hypothesis. It is better to assume that it is a phenomenon of time.... The stars are simply used by man to serve as indicators of time...” - Carl G. Jung in 1929

A chart reading can help answer questions about your career, relationship (or lack of), health, finances, family, communication, emotions, etc.

My website will be up soon!  I am already offering natal chart readings and updates, as well as answering questions about your chart. 

I hope to see you in the stars!

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