Today marks the second time Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries reach an exact square. This is where rebellion meets establishment.
OWS (Occupy Wall Street) started a year ago and arrests are ongoing. I read an article at Truth-Out about this week's protests on Wall Street by OWS. I was struck by the fact that the keepers of the peace were arresting people randomly with the apparent criteria being how well they were dressed and whether or not they belonged to a minority race.
How familiar this rebellion seems to me, having grown up in the '60s and '70s and witnessed the race riots on TV. Who can forget the DNC (Democratic National Convention) in Chicago in 1968? Here's another clip that is linked to a 55 minute film covering the progression of riots to Chicago in 1968, that were termed "police riots." As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "A riot is the language of the unheard."
Pluto was conjunct Uranus from 1965-66. Riots began shortly before this time period and continued after. Here's a link to a timeline of the race riots in the 1960s.
In August of 1965 the Watts riots broke out in Los Angeles, which resulted in 34 dead and over 1,000 injured.
Today Mars and the Moon are in Scorpio. Will this bring aggression to a new level that we haven't seen since the '60s?
OWS (Occupy Wall Street) started a year ago and arrests are ongoing. I read an article at Truth-Out about this week's protests on Wall Street by OWS. I was struck by the fact that the keepers of the peace were arresting people randomly with the apparent criteria being how well they were dressed and whether or not they belonged to a minority race.
How familiar this rebellion seems to me, having grown up in the '60s and '70s and witnessed the race riots on TV. Who can forget the DNC (Democratic National Convention) in Chicago in 1968? Here's another clip that is linked to a 55 minute film covering the progression of riots to Chicago in 1968, that were termed "police riots." As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "A riot is the language of the unheard."
Pluto was conjunct Uranus from 1965-66. Riots began shortly before this time period and continued after. Here's a link to a timeline of the race riots in the 1960s.
In August of 1965 the Watts riots broke out in Los Angeles, which resulted in 34 dead and over 1,000 injured.
Today Mars and the Moon are in Scorpio. Will this bring aggression to a new level that we haven't seen since the '60s?